

Do Not Use This

Une Nuit au Zoo/Een Nacht in de Dierentuin


Michael Blanco

Michael Blanco arrives in Los Angeles. He dreams of becoming a movie star. There are 900,000 others like him in that city. Read More

Une Nuit au Zoo

Une nuit, une météorite s’écrase sur le zoo de Colepepper, libérant un virus qui transforme les animaux en mutants zombies baveux ! Gracie, une jeune louve excentrique, s’associe avec Dan, un puma bourru et redoutable, pour trouver un moyen de retourner à sa meute. Alors que tout le zoo va… Read More

Den Sista Resan


La Mission de l’Espace

M3gan 2.0

Plot under wrap. Read More


Elio, un petit garçon à l’imagination débordante, se retrouve par inadvertance téléporté au Communiverse, une organisation interplanétaire composée de représentants de galaxies très éloignées. Identifié à tort par ces éminences comme l’ambassadeur de la Terre, Elio est tout sauf préparé à une telle pression. Son aventure va le conduire à… Read More

Personne d’Autre

How to Train Your Dragon

A live-action adaption of the animated film of the same name. Read More

L’Ame Ideale

Dood Spoor (Dead End)

Aimons-Nous Vivants

Septuagenarian singer Antoine plans suicide but meets eccentric fan Victoire on train to Geneva, derailing his intentions through unexpected bond formed amid their misadventures. Read More

Doux Jésus

100 Millions


Le jour où Redouane va obtenir sa promotion et enfin passer contremaître, il apprend que l’usine de matelas où il travaille est délocalisée en Inde. Bien décidé à conserver sa promotion, il accepte de partir tout en ayant la garantie d’être payé double et emmène avec lui Marguerite sa compagne. Read More

Saturday Night


Set in contemporary LA during the holidays, the film tells the story of art dealer Andy Goodrich (Keaton), a man whose life is upended when his younger second wife leaves him and enters a 90-day rehab program while also threatening divorce. Goodrich takes charge of their nine-year-old twins, thrusting him… Read More

Dominic and the Ladies’ Purse

I Am Not Myself

Newly married Farid finds himself thrown into hilarious chaos when his ex-wives show up to disrupt his romantic getaway…… Read More

Taxi Bied 2

Things change in the life of the taxi driver, Alal, in terms of appearance and financial level, and he goes on many adventures with several characters through his daily life and work. تتغير الأمور في حياة سائق الأجرة (علال) من حيث الشكل والمستوى المادي، ويخوض العديد من المغامرات رفقة عددًا… Read More


Two narrative threads – one is an emerging love story between two awkward teens, Jens and Lisa, who are having sex for the first time and the other is an eventful quest of Simon the Semen and his friends to reach the golden goal, the Egg. Read More


Niina, a single mother working for a small-town newspaper, is drawn into an investigation into the fall of a Soviet missile that upends her life and that of her small northern village. Read More


Drie Dagen Vis

This black-and-white drama/comedy explores the strained relationship between Gerrie and his son Dick during their annual three-day reunion in Rotterdam, with the looming threat that this might be Gerrie’s last visit. Read More

Le Melange des Genres

Simone, a cop with conservative ideas, infiltrates a feminist collective. However, her cover is thin. To divert attention and get out of this bad situation, Simone finds nothing better than to randomly accuse a man of having raped…… Read More

On Ira

Marie, 80 ans, en a ras le bol de sa maladie. Elle a un plan : partir en Suisse pour mettre fin à ses jours. Mais au moment de l’annoncer à Bruno, son fils irresponsable, et Anna sa petite-fille en crise d’ado, elle panique et invente un énorme mensonge. Prétextant… Read More

The Bucket List

Kutsal Damacana 5: Zombi

Madha Gaja Raja


The Great Gatsby

Everybody Loves Jenifa

Jenifa finds her world turned upside down when a new neighbor arrives, winning over the community with his seemingly charitable deeds. As she strives to maintain her authenticity and the trust of those around her, she is drawn into a web of rivalry, unexpected betrayals, and a drug-related controversy that… Read More

À Bicyclette !

Mathias Mlekuz stars in a fictionalised version of the real-life bike pilgrimage he took with his co-star and friend actor Philippe Rebbot from Charente-Maritime to Istanbul to pay homage to his son after his death. Read More

Jane Austen a Gâché Ma Vie

Agathe a autant de charme que de contradictions. Elle est célibataire mais rêve d’une histoire d’amour digne des romans de Jane Austen. Elle est libraire mais rêve d’être écrivain. Elle a une imagination débordante mais une sexualité inexistante. La vie n’est jamais à la hauteur de ce que lui a… Read More

Aimer Perdre

Sans emploi et endettée jusqu’aux dents, Armande Pigeon, 26 ans, galère à Bruxelles. Par-dessus le marché, elle a un gros penchant pour le jeu et n’hésite pas à prendre des risques, car pour Armande, tous les paris sont bons. Tous sauf un, peut-être le plus fou auquel elle peine encore… Read More

Lilo et Stitch

Live-action remake of Disney’s animated film of the same name. Read More

Haut les Mains

Les crimes contre la nature les scandalisent, les injustices faites aux femmes les révoltent : les Green Panthères, des Robins des bois d’aujourd’hui, se lancent dans le cambriolage engagé contre les pollueurs et les harceleurs. Mais pour ouvrir le coffre de leur rêve, il leur faudra s’associer à Bernard, un… Read More

Jane Austen Wrecked My Life

In Laura Piani’s charming and witty debut, an aspiring author looking to get more out of life takes up a writing residency and finds herself in the sort of romantic entanglements that could come from the pages of a Jane Austen novel. Read More


Sankranthiki Vasthunam

An ex-cop’s attempt to rescue a key figure becomes a hilarious juggling act between his wife and former lover. Read More

Demain, Si Tout Va Bien

Looney Tunes: Daffy et Porky Sauvent le Monde

El Hana el Ana Feeh

Ahmed, a quirky marriage counselor, is heartbroken when his wife, Eman, receives bad news from her doctor. To make sure their daughter has a loving mother figure after she’s gone, Eman forces Ahmed to marry her attractive best friend Fawzeya, despite knowing he’s always had a crush on her! As… Read More

Buffalo Kids

Mary and Tom are parentless Irish siblings who arrive in New York City via ocean liner in 1886 and quickly find themselves on a wild, cross-country journey aboard a transcontinental « Orphan Train » where they meet an extraordinary new friend who will change their lives forever. Read More

Looney Tunes: Daffy & Porky Sauvent le Monde

L’un des plus grands duos comiques de l’Histoire, Daffy Duck et Porky Pig, fait son grand retour au cinéma dans une nouvelle comédie déjantée. Enchaînant les gags et les catastrophes dont seuls les Toons sont capables, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig et une nouvelle venue prénommée Petunia Pig vont tenter de… Read More

Her Şeyin Başı Merkür